Electrified chemistry
An electrochemically produced oxidiser for modular, onsite generation of HYdrogen PERoxide

Safe, circular, and cost competitive
HYPER aims to demonstrate, in industrial environments, a scalable, modular electrochemical process for the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), bridging its production with downstream integration into diverse value chains.
HYPER - Transforming the way Hydrogen Peroxide is produced.
Explainer video:

Transforming the way H2O2 is produced
The central innovation in HYPER is the electrification of H2O2 production, and in turn modular on-site and on-demand production in multiple industries: pulp and paper, textile, electronics, chemicals/coatings, disinfection and water treatment.
Where H2O2 is used

Benefits of HYPER
HYPER aims to transform H2O2 production from a large-volume, energy intensive chemical process to a smaller-scale, robust, modular, sustainable, electrochemical process, providing significant benefits.

Production of Hydrogen Peroxide and the Greener Alternatives
18 Dec 2024
The first article in the HYPER INSIGHTS series is out!
This article explores the current H₂O₂ production routes and applications.

HYPER at P4P Workshop on Process Industries Electrification
30 Oct 2024
The HYPER project was presented at the Processes4Planet Workshop titled “Opportunities and Challenges within Electrification of the Process Industries”.

ANDRITZ Advances HYPER Technology Integration in Pulp and Paper Industry
21 Jun 2024
ANDRITZ, a Finland-based leading global supplier of systems, equipment, and services for the pulp and paper industry, is making significant progress in integrating the innovative HYPER technology into the industry.

Collaborative Meeting with Belinka Perkemija, NIC, and JSI
21 Jun 2024
On June 5, a highly productive meeting took place between representatives from the National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), and industrial partners from Belinka Perkemija, focusing on the ongoing project HYPER.