HYPER Presented at 55th TEXCHEM- RegioTEX

INOTEX actively participated at 55th TEXCHEM- RegioTEX annual conference, 09-10 Nov 2023 (Hradec Králové, Czech Rep), making four oral presentations, and disseminating the HYPER leaflet. This international conference hosted most than 70 participants from around the world, and was jointly organised by STCHK – Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists (Czech) and CIRI – Centre for Investment, Development and Innovation –  a regional investment and development agency of the Hradec Králové Region.

The conference agenda focused on circular economy, textile waste up/recycling, renewable resources utilization and new textile/clothing-relevant legislation items.  

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Collaborative Meeting with Belinka Perkemija, NIC, and JSI

On June 5, a highly productive meeting took place between representatives from the National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), and industrial partners from Belinka Perkemija, focusing on the ongoing project HYPER.